Pavillon de la France Expo Milan 2015

XTU : Pavillon de la France Expo Milan 2015

The architects Anouk Legendre and Nicolas Desmazières, founders of the XTU agency, designed the French pavilion of the Universal Exhibition in Milan. The theme of the exhibition has led them to a pavilion inspired by the market halls proudly highlighting the diversity of French agricultural productions.
The architects of the pavilion wanted to design a "built landscape" evoking both the rich variety of French landscapes and the diversity of agricultural productions that stem from these different territories. The result is a building inspired by a hexagonal shape that tectonic upliftings would have modeled in the manner of landscapes.Deformed by symbolic reliefs, the ceiling inside the pavilion gives itself a spectacle and evokes in an abstract way the French terroirs through a scenography designed by Adeline Rispal.
The pavilion is built with a frame made of laminated French wood. The interior structure is in spruce inside and larch outdoors. The structural principle imbricates the elements with one another, and thus constitutes one and the same work for the envelope and the interior volumetry. The orthogonal frame is cut in free shapes thus generating an effect of irregular vaults. Architects here demonstrate the ability of wood to marry unusual organic lines.


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