when,tree falls,monkey scatter-Chinese

American Sign Language: "when"

The sign for "when" is made by holding your left index finger up (if you are right handed). Your palm should face right. Bring the tip of your right index finger near to the tip of your left index finger.  Circle the tip of your right index finger in a clockwise motion around your left index finger and end with the tip of the right index finger touching the tip of the left finger. Your arm doesn't move much on this sign. The movement is in the wrist.  (If you are left handed just do a mirror image of this sign.)

Show a "tree" with your arm.
Hold up a "five" hand and twist it twice.

If you mean "fall" as in "fall down"  or "fell onto the ground" you can use a "V"-handshape to represent a person falling.  You can modify the movement of the falling process to show exactly how the person fell (this is called "using a classifier").


American Sign Language: "monkey"

The sign for "monkey" is easy to do -- just act like one. Scratch your sides twice.



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