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Bhutan Observer

A story of two dream chasers
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Yeshey Dhendup (cen­tre) with his fam­ily at his home in Tshaphel, Haa
The Archer and the Ap­pren­tice is a unique doc­u­men­tary fol­low­ing two dis­tinct archers from two ex­tremely dif­fer­ent back­grounds. It’s the story of a Bhutanese archer cap­tured in reel for the first time as he pre­pares for Lon­don Olympics 2012. Home­com­ing The 21-year-old Yeshey Dhendup, a top Bhutanese Olympic archer, re­turns to Tshaphel, his home in Haa. He is warmly greeted by his uncle, aunt, and sis­ter upon his re­turn from a mem­o­rable and in­spir­ing trip to the US. Yeshey Dhendup is about to em­bark on yet an­other trip – this time to Egypt for about nine months. Videos and still pic­tures show Yeshey Dhendup walk­ing along the street in front of his home with his fam­ily, and with his fa­ther up the road from the fam­ily dwelling. A strong sense of be­lief in om­nipresent mighty power is por­trayed as he prays at his fam­ily altar and at the holy tem­ple of the vil­lage. The doc­u­men­tary The doc­u­men­tary’s cen­tral idea is to fol­low a Bhutanese Archer and Brady El­li­son, top Amer­i­can archer, over the course of a year to doc­u­ment their progress. His­tory clearly shows Bhutan has not per­formed well in in­ter­na­tional arena de­spite the rich and beau­ti­ful his­tory of the sport in coun­try. So, how would a Bhutanese archer fare if he or she was to spend time with one of the world’s best archers? And how would the world’s best archer fare in try­ing to com­pete in a tra­di­tional Bhutanese archery tour­na­ment? After ap­proval by the Bhutan Olympic Com­mit­tee (BOC), the film­ing began in May this year at the Bhutan archery fa­cil­ity near the India House, Thim­phu, where the film­ing team met Yeshey Dhendup, Bhutan’s Olympic hope­ful. The doc­u­ment also fea­tures footages of mod­ern com­pound bow and tra­di­tional archery tour­na­ments held in Paro and Punakha re­spec­tively. In a for­mal in­ter­view, the his­tory of Bhutanese archery, the goals of Bhutan Olympic Com­mit­tee (BOC), and the na­tional archery team are dis­cussed with His Royal High­ness Prince Ji­gyel Ugyen Wangchuck, the pres­i­dent of BOC. The pro­ject con­tin­ues in Au­gust, fol­low­ing Yeshey Dhendup to the US to train and com­pete at the US Olympic Train­ing Cen­tre in Chula Vista, Cal­i­for­nia. While in Chula Vista, Yeshey Dhendup was filmed train­ing, get­ting tips from renowned archery coach, Kisik Lee. The team also films El­li­son try­ing to hit at the tra­di­tional Bhutanese archery tar­get with his Hoytre­curve bow at 90 me­tres which Yeshey Dhendup had gifted him. While train­ing in the US, he makes quite an im­pres­sion on the folks at Flexor Swing Sports, an Amer­ica-based Sports Com­pany. The com­pany de­cides to do­nate an archery kit to Bhutanese archers. The kit was handed over to the Bhutanese Na­tional Team on Au­gust 30 and will be avail­able to all archers and can be ac­cessed through an on­line ex­er­cise and train­ing rou­tine. In the doc­u­men­tary, Yeshey Dhendup is demon­strat­ing the ex­er­cises to his fel­low archers. Cur­rently, Yeshey Dhendup is train­ing in Cairo, Egypt, and is look­ing for­ward to make great strides. Con­tin­u­a­tion The doc­u­men­tary will con­tinue when El­li­son vis­its Bhutan in De­cem­ber and will fol­low the jour­neys ahead. It will con­clude when the team will meet up with Yeshey Dhendup and Brady El­li­son in Lon­don next sum­mer as they com­pete for Olympic glory. The doc­u­men­tary is pro­duced by Thun­der Dragon Films based in the US but op­er­at­ing in Bhutan. T Sean Hebert, the di­rec­tor of the doc­u­men­tary and ex­ec­u­tive pro­ducer of Thun­der Dragon Films, said he is in­ter­ested in Bhutan’s rich his­tory with archery as a sport. “Also be­cause of Brady’s world rank­ing, I thought it would be a very com­pelling story to fol­low,” he said. The doc­u­men­tary will be at least 30 min­utes long, but de­pend­ing on a few fac­tors still un­known (Brady’s visit to Bhutan, Yeshey Dhendup’s train­ing in Cairo, and the two men’s per­for­mances in Lon­don), the film could be longer. Mean­while, the crew will also film a two-day race from Bumthang to Thim­phu on be­half of the BOC to help it pro­mote the race next year in­ter­na­tion­ally as an elite high al­ti­tude com­pe­ti­tion. By Karma Palden
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Bhutan Observer

A story of two dream chasers
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Yeshey Dhendup (cen­tre) with his fam­ily at his home in Tshaphel, Haa
The Archer and the Ap­pren­tice is a unique doc­u­men­tary fol­low­ing two dis­tinct archers from two ex­tremely dif­fer­ent back­grounds. It’s the story of a Bhutanese archer cap­tured in reel for the first time as he pre­pares for Lon­don Olympics 2012. Home­com­ing The 21-year-old Yeshey Dhendup, a top Bhutanese Olympic archer, re­turns to Tshaphel, his home in Haa. He is warmly greeted by his uncle, aunt, and sis­ter upon his re­turn from a mem­o­rable and in­spir­ing trip to the US. Yeshey Dhendup is about to em­bark on yet an­other trip – this time to Egypt for about nine months. Videos and still pic­tures show Yeshey Dhendup walk­ing along the street in front of his home with his fam­ily, and with his fa­ther up the road from the fam­ily dwelling. A strong sense of be­lief in om­nipresent mighty power is por­trayed as he prays at his fam­ily altar and at the holy tem­ple of the vil­lage. The doc­u­men­tary The doc­u­men­tary’s cen­tral idea is to fol­low a Bhutanese Archer and Brady El­li­son, top Amer­i­can archer, over the course of a year to doc­u­ment their progress. His­tory clearly shows Bhutan has not per­formed well in in­ter­na­tional arena de­spite the rich and beau­ti­ful his­tory of the sport in coun­try. So, how would a Bhutanese archer fare if he or she was to spend time with one of the world’s best archers? And how would the world’s best archer fare in try­ing to com­pete in a tra­di­tional Bhutanese archery tour­na­ment? After ap­proval by the Bhutan Olympic Com­mit­tee (BOC), the film­ing began in May this year at the Bhutan archery fa­cil­ity near the India House, Thim­phu, where the film­ing team met Yeshey Dhendup, Bhutan’s Olympic hope­ful. The doc­u­ment also fea­tures footages of mod­ern com­pound bow and tra­di­tional archery tour­na­ments held in Paro and Punakha re­spec­tively. In a for­mal in­ter­view, the his­tory of Bhutanese archery, the goals of Bhutan Olympic Com­mit­tee (BOC), and the na­tional archery team are dis­cussed with His Royal High­ness Prince Ji­gyel Ugyen Wangchuck, the pres­i­dent of BOC. The pro­ject con­tin­ues in Au­gust, fol­low­ing Yeshey Dhendup to the US to train and com­pete at the US Olympic Train­ing Cen­tre in Chula Vista, Cal­i­for­nia. While in Chula Vista, Yeshey Dhendup was filmed train­ing, get­ting tips from renowned archery coach, Kisik Lee. The team also films El­li­son try­ing to hit at the tra­di­tional Bhutanese archery tar­get with his Hoytre­curve bow at 90 me­tres which Yeshey Dhendup had gifted him. While train­ing in the US, he makes quite an im­pres­sion on the folks at Flexor Swing Sports, an Amer­ica-based Sports Com­pany. The com­pany de­cides to do­nate an archery kit to Bhutanese archers. The kit was handed over to the Bhutanese Na­tional Team on Au­gust 30 and will be avail­able to all archers and can be ac­cessed through an on­line ex­er­cise and train­ing rou­tine. In the doc­u­men­tary, Yeshey Dhendup is demon­strat­ing the ex­er­cises to his fel­low archers. Cur­rently, Yeshey Dhendup is train­ing in Cairo, Egypt, and is look­ing for­ward to make great strides.Con­tin­u­a­tion The doc­u­men­tary will con­tinue when El­li­son vis­its Bhutan in De­cem­ber and will fol­low the jour­neys ahead. It will con­clude when the team will meet up with Yeshey Dhendup and Brady El­li­son in Lon­don next sum­mer as they com­pete for Olympic glory. The doc­u­men­tary is pro­duced by Thun­der Dragon Films based in the US but op­er­at­ing in Bhutan. T Sean Hebert, the di­rec­tor of the doc­u­men­tary and ex­ec­u­tive pro­ducer of Thun­der Dragon Films, said he is in­ter­ested in Bhutan’s rich his­tory with archery as a sport. “Also be­cause of Brady’s world rank­ing, I thought it would be a very com­pelling story to fol­low,” he said. The doc­u­men­tary will be at least 30 min­utes long, but de­pend­ing on a few fac­tors still un­known (Brady’s visit to Bhutan, Yeshey Dhendup’s train­ing in Cairo, and the two men’s per­for­mances in Lon­don), the film could be longer. Mean­while, the crew will also film a two-day race from Bumthang to Thim­phu on be­half of the BOC to help it pro­mote the race next year in­ter­na­tion­ally as an elite high al­ti­tude com­pe­ti­tion.By Karma Palden
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       Email        BO Publication                                                                  Tuesday  November 14, 2017           Register | Sign in News Home News Entertainment Lifestyle Media Bhutan You Report Bloggers Videos    HM grants audience to earthquake relief unit members | HM appoints Dzongdags | HM appoints privy council members | Chinese Ambassador calls on PM | Third International Conference for Financing for Development held A story of two dream chasers ADMINISTRATOR, SEPTEMBER 16, 2011 PRINT| EMAIL| COMMENT 0|  0  0 Google +0 You May Also Like PM meets India's Bor­der Man­age­ment Sec­re­tary PM's open­ing re­marks at meet­ing of the In­ter­na­tional Ex­pert Work­ing Group on the New De­vel­op­ment Par­a­digm Class XII re­sults de­clared Joint Press State­ment on the Royal visit to India Bhutan and Tajik­istan es­tab­lishes diplo­matic re­la­tions Yeshey Dhendup (cen­tre) with his fam­ily at his home in Tshaphel, Haa The Archer and the Ap­pren­tice is a unique doc­u­men­tary fol­low­ing two dis­tinct archers from two ex­tremely dif­fer­ent back­grounds. It’s the story of a Bhutanese archer cap­tured in reel for the first time as he pre­pares for Lon­don Olympics 2012. Home­com­ing The 21-year-old Yeshey Dhendup, a top Bhutanese Olympic archer, re­turns to Tshaphel, his home in Haa. He is warmly greeted by his uncle, aunt, and sis­ter upon his re­turn from a mem­o­rable and in­spir­ing trip to the US. Yeshey Dhendup is about to em­bark on yet an­other trip – this time to Egypt for about nine months. Videos and still pic­tures show Yeshey Dhendup walk­ing along the street in front of his home with his fam­ily, and with his fa­ther up the road from the fam­ily dwelling. A strong sense of be­lief in om­nipresent mighty power is por­trayed as he prays at his fam­ily altar and at the holy tem­ple of the vil­lage. The doc­u­men­tary The doc­u­men­tary’s cen­tral idea is to fol­low a Bhutanese Archer and Brady El­li­son, top Amer­i­can archer, over the course of a year to doc­u­ment their progress. His­tory clearly shows Bhutan has not per­formed well in in­ter­na­tional arena de­spite the rich and beau­ti­ful his­tory of the sport in coun­try. So, how would a Bhutanese archer fare if he or she was to spend time with one of the world’s best archers? And how would the world’s best archer fare in try­ing to com­pete in a tra­di­tional Bhutanese archery tour­na­ment? After ap­proval by the Bhutan Olympic Com­mit­tee (BOC), the film­ing began in May this year at the Bhutan archery fa­cil­ity near the India House, Thim­phu, where the film­ing team met Yeshey Dhendup, Bhutan’s Olympic hope­ful. The doc­u­ment also fea­tures footages of mod­ern com­pound bow and tra­di­tional archery tour­na­ments held in Paro and Punakha re­spec­tively. In a for­mal in­ter­view, the his­tory of Bhutanese archery, the goals of Bhutan Olympic Com­mit­tee (BOC), and the na­tional archery team are dis­cussed with His Royal High­ness Prince Ji­gyel Ugyen Wangchuck, the pres­i­dent of BOC. The pro­ject con­tin­ues in Au­gust, fol­low­ing Yeshey Dhendup to the US to train and com­pete at the US Olympic Train­ing Cen­tre in Chula Vista, Cal­i­for­nia. While in Chula Vista, Yeshey Dhendup was filmed train­ing, get­ting tips from renowned archery coach, Kisik Lee. The team also films El­li­son try­ing to hit at the tra­di­tional Bhutanese archery tar­get with his Hoytre­curve bow at 90 me­tres which Yeshey Dhendup had gifted him. While train­ing in the US, he makes quite an im­pres­sion on the folks at Flexor Swing Sports, an Amer­ica-based Sports Com­pany. The com­pany de­cides to do­nate an archery kit to Bhutanese archers. The kit was handed over to the Bhutanese Na­tional Team on Au­gust 30 and will be avail­able to all archers and can be ac­cessed through an on­line ex­er­cise and train­ing rou­tine. In the doc­u­men­tary, Yeshey Dhendup is demon­strat­ing the ex­er­cises to his fel­low archers. Cur­rently, Yeshey Dhendup is train­ing in Cairo, Egypt, and is look­ing for­ward to make great strides. Con­tin­u­a­tion The doc­u­men­tary will con­tinue when El­li­son vis­its Bhutan in De­cem­ber and will fol­low the jour­neys ahead. It will con­clude when the team will meet up with Yeshey Dhendup and Brady El­li­son in Lon­don next sum­mer as they com­pete for Olympic glory. The doc­u­men­tary is pro­duced by Thun­der Dragon Films based in the US but op­er­at­ing in Bhutan. T Sean Hebert, the di­rec­tor of the doc­u­men­tary and ex­ec­u­tive pro­ducer of Thun­der Dragon Films, said he is in­ter­ested in Bhutan’s rich his­tory with archery as a sport. “Also be­cause of Brady’s world rank­ing, I thought it would be a very com­pelling story to fol­low,” he said. The doc­u­men­tary will be at least 30 min­utes long, but de­pend­ing on a few fac­tors still un­known (Brady’s visit to Bhutan, Yeshey Dhendup’s train­ing in Cairo, and the two men’s per­for­mances in Lon­don), the film could be longer. Mean­while, the crew will also film a two-day race from Bumthang to Thim­phu on be­half of the BOC to help it pro­mote the race next year in­ter­na­tion­ally as an elite high al­ti­tude com­pe­ti­tion. By Karma Palden PRINT| EMAIL| COMMENT 0|  0  0 Google +0 Comment Please login below to comment, OR simply register here: Email Password Forgotten your password? BO Tweets LIVE NEWS FROM THE FIELD Best Of The Web MOST READMOST COMMENTSTAGS Polls Do you think that the PDP government's promise of one-year maternity leave is feasible? Yes No Do not know VOTE VIEW RESULT Voices       From Thunder Motors Regarding Electric Taxis 12th National Labour Force Survey 2014 Cabinet clarifies government stands on opposition PR What about our teachers? Asia-Pacific region must unlock fiscal space to drive inclusive growth READ MORE » Advertisement » Expression of Interest: RMA » Tender Notice: Department of Disaster Management » NLC » Dungsam Academy » GCBS » Rigsum Institute » Bumthang Dzongkhag » Weringla Dungkhag READ MORE » BO on Facebook FIND US ON FACEBOOK Home| News| Entertainment| Lifestyle| Media| Bhutan| You Report| Bloggers| Videos ABOUT US   I    CONTACT US   I    REGISTER   I    SUBSCRIBE   I    © 2014 Bhutan Observer. All rights reserved    I    Designed and Powered by   Asia Media Design        Email        BO Publication                                                                  Tuesday  November 14, 2017           Register | Sign in News Home News Entertainment Lifestyle Media Bhutan You Report Bloggers Videos    HM grants audience to earthquake relief unit members | HM appoints Dzongdags | HM appoints privy council members | Chinese Ambassador calls on PM | Third International Conference for Financing for Development held A story of two dream chasers ADMINISTRATOR, SEPTEMBER 16, 2011 PRINT| EMAIL| COMMENT 0|  0  0 Google +0 You May Also Like PM meets India's Bor­der Man­age­ment Sec­re­tary PM's open­ing re­marks at meet­ing of the In­ter­na­tional Ex­pert Work­ing Group on the New De­vel­op­ment Par­a­digm Class XII re­sults de­clared Joint Press State­ment on the Royal visit to India Bhutan and Tajik­istan es­tab­lishes diplo­matic re­la­tions Yeshey Dhendup (cen­tre) with his fam­ily at his home in Tshaphel, Haa The Archer and the Ap­pren­tice is a unique doc­u­men­tary fol­low­ing two dis­tinct archers from two ex­tremely dif­fer­ent back­grounds. It’s the story of a Bhutanese archer cap­tured in reel for the first time as he pre­pares for Lon­don Olympics 2012. Home­com­ing The 21-year-old Yeshey Dhendup, a top Bhutanese Olympic archer, re­turns to Tshaphel, his home in Haa. He is warmly greeted by his uncle, aunt, and sis­ter upon his re­turn from a mem­o­rable and in­spir­ing trip to the US. Yeshey Dhendup is about to em­bark on yet an­other trip – this time to Egypt for about nine months. Videos and still pic­tures show Yeshey Dhendup walk­ing along the street in front of his home with his fam­ily, and with his fa­ther up the road from the fam­ily dwelling. A strong sense of be­lief in om­nipresent mighty power is por­trayed as he prays at his fam­ily altar and at the holy tem­ple of the vil­lage. The doc­u­men­tary The doc­u­men­tary’s cen­tral idea is to fol­low a Bhutanese Archer and Brady El­li­son, top Amer­i­can archer, over the course of a year to doc­u­ment their progress. His­tory clearly shows Bhutan has not per­formed well in in­ter­na­tional arena de­spite the rich and beau­ti­ful his­tory of the sport in coun­try. So, how would a Bhutanese archer fare if he or she was to spend time with one of the world’s best archers? And how would the world’s best archer fare in try­ing to com­pete in a tra­di­tional Bhutanese archery tour­na­ment? After ap­proval by the Bhutan Olympic Com­mit­tee (BOC), the film­ing began in May this year at the Bhutan archery fa­cil­ity near the India House, Thim­phu, where the film­ing team met Yeshey Dhendup, Bhutan’s Olympic hope­ful. The doc­u­ment also fea­tures footages of mod­ern com­pound bow and tra­di­tional archery tour­na­ments held in Paro and Punakha re­spec­tively. In a for­mal in­ter­view, the his­tory of Bhutanese archery, the goals of Bhutan Olympic Com­mit­tee (BOC), and the na­tional archery team are dis­cussed with His Royal High­ness Prince Ji­gyel Ugyen Wangchuck, the pres­i­dent of BOC. The pro­ject con­tin­ues in Au­gust, fol­low­ing Yeshey Dhendup to the US to train and com­pete at the US Olympic Train­ing Cen­tre in Chula Vista, Cal­i­for­nia. While in Chula Vista, Yeshey Dhendup was filmed train­ing, get­ting tips from renowned archery coach, Kisik Lee. The team also films El­li­son try­ing to hit at the tra­di­tional Bhutanese archery tar­get with his Hoytre­curve bow at 90 me­tres which Yeshey Dhendup had gifted him. While train­ing in the US, he makes quite an im­pres­sion on the folks at Flexor Swing Sports, an Amer­ica-based Sports Com­pany. The com­pany de­cides to do­nate an archery kit to Bhutanese archers. The kit was handed over to the Bhutanese Na­tional Team on Au­gust 30 and will be avail­able to all archers and can be ac­cessed through an on­line ex­er­cise and train­ing rou­tine. In the doc­u­men­tary, Yeshey Dhendup is demon­strat­ing the ex­er­cises to his fel­low archers. Cur­rently, Yeshey Dhendup is train­ing in Cairo, Egypt, and is look­ing for­ward to make great strides. Con­tin­u­a­tion The doc­u­men­tary will con­tinue when El­li­son vis­its Bhutan in De­cem­ber and will fol­low the jour­neys ahead. It will con­clude when the team will meet up with Yeshey Dhendup and Brady El­li­son in Lon­don next sum­mer as they com­pete for Olympic glory. The doc­u­men­tary is pro­duced by Thun­der Dragon Films based in the US but op­er­at­ing in Bhutan. T Sean Hebert, the di­rec­tor of the doc­u­men­tary and ex­ec­u­tive pro­ducer of Thun­der Dragon Films, said he is in­ter­ested in Bhutan’s rich his­tory with archery as a sport. “Also be­cause of Brady’s world rank­ing, I thought it would be a very com­pelling story to fol­low,” he said. The doc­u­men­tary will be at least 30 min­utes long, but de­pend­ing on a few fac­tors still un­known (Brady’s visit to Bhutan, Yeshey Dhendup’s train­ing in Cairo, and the two men’s per­for­mances in Lon­don), the film could be longer. Mean­while, the crew will also film a two-day race from Bumthang to Thim­phu on be­half of the BOC to help it pro­mote the race next year in­ter­na­tion­ally as an elite high al­ti­tude com­pe­ti­tion. By Karma Palden PRINT| EMAIL| COMMENT 0|  0  0 Google +0 Comment Please login below to comment, OR simply register here: Email Password Forgotten your password? BO Tweets LIVE NEWS FROM THE FIELD Best Of The Web MOST READMOST COMMENTSTAGS Polls Do you think that the PDP government's promise of one-year maternity leave is feasible? Yes No Do not know VOTE VIEW RESULT Voices       From Thunder Motors Regarding Electric Taxis 12th National Labour Force Survey 2014 Cabinet clarifies government stands on opposition PR What about our teachers? Asia-Pacific region must unlock fiscal space to drive inclusive growth READ MORE » Advertisement » Expression of Interest: RMA » Tender Notice: Department of Disaster Management » NLC » Dungsam Academy » GCBS » Rigsum Institute » Bumthang Dzongkhag » Weringla Dungkhag READ MORE » BO on Facebook FIND US ON FACEBOOK Home| News| Entertainment| Lifestyle| Media| Bhutan| You Report| Bloggers| Videos ABOUT US   I    CONTACT US   I    REGISTER   I    SUBSCRIBE   I    © 2014 Bhutan Observer. All rights reserved    I    Designed and Powered by   Asia Media Design ShareThis Copy and Paste


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