
Showing posts from June, 2019

Who were the Assyrians? History of the Assyrian Empire

Review - Digital Medium Format on a Budget! - Kipon Baveyes MF Focal Red...

Baseball Technique Ep 111: Visual Impressions with Joe DiMaggio: Adorama...


Ailey in Africa Part Three: Celebrating Our Common Humanity

Ailey in Africa Part Two: Photography

Ailey In Africa Part One: Outreach

Ep.04 - This ain’t your grandma’s QiGong - Part 1

My New Medium Format Camera - Monthly Favorites 3

My Road to Wudang - Special Ep - Words of Wisdom from Master Yuan Xiu Ga...

(Part 1) Indigenous Native American Prophecy (Elders Speak part 1)

Bruce Lee - The Legend Quotes

OFFICIAL TRAILER: The Spy Behind Home Plate